Sunday, February 19, 2012

A great cup of the bean.

I have a penchant for good cup of coffee. My friends know this and my husband, really knows it.

Years ago (decades, even) I was on a work trip talking with coffee lovers about this whole bean craze in the Pacific NorthWest when my client took me to this little shop in Pike's Market, Seattle. I had a short cup of espresso and bought a pound of ground beans and really enjoyed it. It got to be a big company. Good coffee, you've been there.

But the real discovery was on a vacation in Hawaii. My Dear and I were staying at the Hana Ranch Hotel and found a beautiful wicker coffee tray in our room. It housed two fair sized cups, a grinder and a jar of coffee beans. I was game. This was new and my tradition of a cup (or so) of freshly ground coffee was born. Every morning the cutting whir of beans grinding to that coarse, fragrant powder promises a cup that makes me breathe deeply and settle in for a moment.

From there, the search for the perfect cup began. For years I've bounced between some bean I'm trying and Dean & DeLuca's Mocha and Java blend.

Then I discovered the Kobrick Coffee Co

All I can say is this: Go. Shop. Buy. Drink. I started with Martha's Blend through a sale at OpenSky. It's delicious. Couldn't be happier. Or could I? I'll only find out if I try a few more varieties, blends and roasts.

So how about you? What's your favorite cup of coffee? Really, I just might need to taste it.

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  1. Next time I come home to California, I will bring you the local coffee we get (it's roasted in Chicago-- which is local here). It can be roasted one morning and the next we could be drinking it three houses down from us. Ahhh is's so good. Actually, we buy it by the pound too-- I have a steaming cup in front of me right now (:

  2. I would like to say that this blog really convinced me to do it! Thanks, very good post. Best Burr Coffee Grinders
